José ROBERTO Colesnico RODRIGUES - Graduate in Administration with specialization in administration of materials.

        He has been in the area of purchases and supply of materials for more than 30 years, working at companies which were important in their activity branches and, in 1974, he was hired by PETROBRÁS – Petróleo Brasileiro S/A to work as a purchaser, executing this duty at RPBC - Refinaria Presidente Bernardes (Presidente Bernardes Refinery), in Cubatão (SP), an industrial unit of PETROBRÁS which is responsible for 12% of the production of petroleum products in Brazil.

       On his professional career at RPBC, he also worked as a manager of purchases and supply. During the period he worked at the management, the Section of Supply of RPBC was considered as one of the best and more efficient purchase departments of PETROBRÁS, being considered as a benchmarking in this activity, in the operational area of the Co.

        In that period, following the Co.’s objectives in the supply area, he promoted a noticeable reduction in the reserve of materials, products and equipment of RPBC and, as a result, the physical area occupied by the storehouses of the refinery was reduced in 50%, and those facilities became available for other activities. Therefore, the cost of the section, including fixed assets, facilities and personnel, was substantially reduced, thus generating a large profit for the unit.


        He promoted and established medium and long term partnerships together with the supplying market, aiming at considerable reductions in the costs and resupply terms.

        He participated in several work groups that established routines and procedures for the purchase and supply activities of PETROBRÁS.

        He coordinated implantation works aiming at the granting of the ISO 9000 certificate.

        He has also a vast experience in the implantation and management of service contracts, such as: Transports, repair of valves and equipment, maintenance, storage, etc.

        In 1996 PETROBRÁS centralized, at the office headquartered in the capital, several administrative and operational support activities which were, until then, performed in the operational departments established within the State of São Paulo. The purchase area was among them.

        In the same year, with the creation of the Management of administration of São Paulo (GEASP) with headquarters in the city of São Paulo, in view of his rich knowledge of the Brazilian industrial market and his vast experience in answering the needs of the operational departments of the oil-bearing area, Roberto was invited to lead the management of the Section of Purchase of Materials I (SEAMAT-I), a section that had as its main purpose the execution of the purchases of equipment, materials and products for the refineries of PETROBRÁS established in the State of São Paulo.

        This industrial park of refining is responsible for the production of 45% of the petroleum products in Brazil. This section, after the several performance evaluations that were carried out, was considered by its customers (refineries) as an excellence reference in the rendering of purchase services.


        He worked at GEASP as a manager of the SEAMAT-I from its creation until April, 1998 when, after 24 years at PETROBRÁS he decided, by his own will, to retire.

          In the 24 years that he worked at PETROBRÁS he had always been granted, by his hierarchical superiors, individual evaluation of superior performance. As a manager, he was always granted superior evaluation and was considered as one of the best purchase managers of the Co.

        After leaving PETROBRÁS, he organized the company

ÓLEO & GÁS assessoria empresarial ltda


        1 – Óleo & Gás renders advisory services for companies that manufacture equipment, products and materials, representing them commercially before the petroleum and petrochemical industries.

        Presently Óleo & Gás has, among others, agreements to represent, commercially speaking, before PETROBRÁS manufacturers of:




        If your company manufactures quality products that are also used in the oil-bearing industries, and in case there is interest in entering this segment, talk to us.

        Óleo & Gás has as basic ethical norm to represent, commercially speaking, only one manufacturer of each industrial segment.

        2 - Óleo & Gás, in view of the rich knowledge his director, Roberto Rodrigues, has of the Brazilian industrial market, renders advisory services for international petroleum industries that are setting up in Brazil, acting as purchaser agent and contractor of services for those industries.

        If your company belongs to the oil-bearing area and intends to set up in Brazil, analyze how much money you need to spend so as to establish a local structure directed to the purchase and hiring of services. After a wise analysis, you will surely reach the conclusion already reached by large-sized corporations, which is: the right thing to do is to dedicate to the main activity of your Co., outsourcing the activities which do not belong to the main focus of yours business.

        Talk to us, ask for our advice, use our experience and knowledge of the local market.


Rua Enguaguaçu, 33 - conj.23
Santos - São Paulo - Brazil - 11035-071
Telephones: (55) (13) 32279913 or (55) (13) 97832043
